Sliding Scale 

I offer sliding scale rates to educators (pre-K-12), students, community organizers, non-profit workers, and others with limited income. The sliding scale tool is provided to support economic justice so that clients may have equitable access to care while I, your mental health provider, may have a sustainable income in order to continue providing accessible care. Please reflect on the following guides to determine the category that fits your current financial situation.

My needs are comfortably met. Generally, I…

  • Have daily reliable transportation

  • Am single and/or without dependents

  • Am able to repay my loans, are in repayment, or have paid off loans

  • Have employer health insurance and/or other employer benefits

  • Can travel for recreation

  • Have a high degree of earning power

  • Own the home I live in

  • Work part-time or am unemployed by choice

  • Have access to family money and resources, or have family who pay for treatment

  • Have investments, retirement accounts, or generational wealth, including inheriting home or land 

  • Needs comfortably Met Rate: $120

My needs are mostly met. Generally, I…

  • Can travel when needed, especially for an unexpected occasion

  • Have reliable transportation

  • Am able to repay, or am in the process of repaying, loans

  • Am able to miss work for sickness or leisure and still able to pay my bills

  • Receive economic support from others for things like car payments, phone bills, spending money

  • Am able to contribute to a retirement plan

  • Have access to financial savings and/or some expendable income

  • Have access to health care

  • Have or will have access to some generational wealth, including inheriting home or land 

  • Needs Mostly Met Rate: $100

My needs are partially met. Generally, I…

  • Support children and/or other dependents

  • Have significant debt

  • Have little or no access to savings

  • Experience discrimination in hiring or pay level

  • Have immigration-related expenses

  • Am an elder with limited financial support

  • Am an unpaid community organizer/worker in addition to employed work

  • Am descended from enslaved people or Native American Indians

  • Have and will have access to minimal or no generational wealth, including inheriting home or land

  • Needs Partially Met Rate: $80* 

*If you are eligible for Medicaid, please apply at Health First Colorado ( I hope to provide Medicaid by August 2024. If you are eligible for public assistance or Medicaid please call or email me at (720) 310-0382 or to explore additional options. If you are uninsured, underinsured, yet do not qualify for Medicaid, I offer a limited number of slots for Open Path clients. Learn more at

Sliding Scale informed by,,, and