Colibri Therapy and Coaching - Multicultural & Trauma Counseling

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Three Simple Steps for Managing Stress

Stress is a normal part of life. Sorry… not news flash there! Where we can get caught up is in the battle we wage with stress trying to fight it to go away, feel different, or attempt to be happy all the time. Well-being doesn’t mean perma-happiness. With stress management, the goal isn’t to vanquish the yucky feelings to another realm for all eternity (even though that would be an intriguing premise for a fantasy novel). Managing stress is about riding the waves of intensity until they settle into a calmer ocean of being. Those big, intense waves don’t last forever. Of course, the flip is also true. The gentle sea is not permanent either. One gives way to the other as our lives move from one experience to another.

Tuning into our senses supports us to ride the waves of emotional intensity until things settle and find (some) stillness.

  1. LISTEN: Tune into the sounds around you. Hear what is in the distance, perhaps traffic or voices. Notice sounds close by, maybe the airflow. Follow the sound of your breath within you.

  2. TOUCH: Lightly rub your hands together. Gently press your feet into the ground. Slowly twist side to side. Feel your belly rise and fall with your breath.

  3. LOOK: Slowly scan the space around you.See the colors there. Notice the textures.Observe the light and shadow. Turn and observe what is behind you.

As you observe what you hear, feel, and see, what are you aware of? Are things speeding up or slowing down? Are there physical sensations present like relaxation, knots, tingling, or heat? What is your posture like and has that changed? How present do you feel at this moment? Do you notice any movements, micromovements, or gestures? Have there been any shifts in the quality of your thoughts? Take in all the information from you experience. No need to give it meaning or try to understand it. Simply become aware of how listening, feeling, and looking has affected you. 

Try this out during your day. It doesn’t have to be anything special. It could be when you’re walking down the hallway, brushing your teeth, or taking a pause between composing emails. When you practice when the shit isn’t hitting the fan, the resources of the senses will be even more accessible when things are challenging because you’ve created a habit that doesn’t need conscious thought. Until then you can put notes around your home, care, or office with reminders to listen, feel, and look. Study your experience and see what you discover.