Colibri Therapy and Coaching - Multicultural & Trauma Counseling

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Mini-practice: Picture Practice

Cultivating awareness of our body, mind, and emotions helps us be more in tune with ourselves, our needs, our boundaries, and our dreams, which in turn helps us to show up authentically and openly with others.

  • Choose of picture of your loved ones, of family, friends, pets, plants, or a beloved place

  • Gaze at the picture and notice what happens for you

  • What thoughts, images, or memories arise?

  • Witness the flow of emotions- joy, contentedness, longing, appreciation, sadness, irritation, etc.

  • Observe your physical sensations- tension, relaxation, tingling, warmth, movement, posture

  • Notice your five senses, does scent, texture, sound, smell, or taste stand out to you?

  • Savor the experience, if brings shift, settling, or support